サービス > 海外在住・旅行 > 現地視察・見学 > 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple


観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple

観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 1
  • 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 1
  • 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 2
  • 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 3
  • 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 4
  • 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 5
  • 観心寺 | Kanshinji Temple 6

観心寺は、毎年4月17、18日のみ開扉される国宝の如意輪観音坐像で名高い、南朝ゆかりの真言宗の寺院。境内には南朝方の後村上天皇の陵がある。 国宝の金堂や、 楠木正成が三重塔の造営に着手するも戦死により中断、一重の仏堂となった建掛塔など、 多くの寺宝を有する。

Kanshin-ji is a temple of the Shingon sect with ties to the Southern Court, renowned for its National Treasure Nyoirin Kannon statue that is only opened to the public on April 17th and 18th each year. The temple grounds also house the tomb of Emperor Go-Murakami of the Southern Court. Kanshin-ji has many temple treasures, including the National Treasure Kon-do (Golden Hall), the single-story pagoda known as the Tatekake-to that was originally intended to be a three-story pagoda but was left unfinished due to the death of its patron, Kusunoki Masashige.

586 河内長野市


TEL 0721-62-2134
開 9:00~17:00 (最終入場16:30)
料 300円

Kanshin-ji temple is located at Teramoto 475, Kawachinagano City, with a telephone number of 0721-62-2134. The temple is open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (last admission at 4:30 p.m.), and admission costs 300 yen. It is easily accessible by bus from the Nankai or Kintetsu Kawachinagano Station, with a short walk from the Kanshin-ji bus stop. More information can be found on the temple's website at kanshinji.com.