サービス > 海外在住・旅行 > 現地視察・見学 > ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park


ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park

ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park 1
  • ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park 1
  • ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park 2
  • ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park 3
  • ひらかたパーク | Hirakata Park 4

ひらかたパークは、明治43 (1910)年に開園した香里遊園地を前身とする、現在も営業を続ける施設では日本最古の歴史を誇る遊園地。かつては菊人形展の開催で知られていたが、近年は夏のプールザブーンや、 11~4月に開催されるイルミネーション光の遊園地などの人気が高い。

Hirakata Park is a long-standing amusement park that boasts the oldest history among amusement parks in Japan, with its origins dating back to the opening of the Kouri Yuenchi in 1910 during the Meiji era. The park was once well known for its chrysanthemum doll exhibition, but in recent years, popular attractions include the summer pool "The Boon" and the illumination amusement park featuring "Lights in Wonderland" held from November to April. Despite its long history, the park remains in operation today.

573 枚方市


TEL 0570-016-855
開 10:00~17:00(季節、曜日による)
料入園のみ1600円、 フリーパス4600円

Hirakata Park is located at 1-1 Hirakata Koen-cho, Hirakata City, with a telephone number of 0570-016-855. The park's hours of operation vary depending on the season and day of the week, generally from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but it is closed on irregular days. The admission fee is 1,600 yen for entrance only and 4,600 yen for a free pass. The park is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from the Keihan Hirakata Koen Station. For more information, please visit their website at www.hirakatapark.co.jp.