サービス > 海外在住・旅行 > 現地視察・見学 > 岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle


岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle

岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle 1
  • 岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle 1
  • 岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle 2
  • 岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle 3
  • 岸和田城 | Kishiwada Castle 4

岸和田城は、岸和田藩主岡部家5万3千石の居城で、織豊期には幾度も戦乱の舞台となった。 蛸の大群が敵から城を守った“蛸地蔵” の伝説は有名。 天守閣は昭和29(1954) 年の再建で、 本丸には国の名勝に指定されている岸和田城庭園 (八陣の庭)がある。 毎年9月の岸和田だんじり祭では、 15台のだんじりが城内の岸城神社に宮入りし、大勢の見物客が詰めかける。

Kishiwada Castle was the residence of the Okabe family, the lords of the Kishiwada domain, with an income of 53,000 koku. During the Sengoku period, it was the site of several battles. The legend of the "Tako Jizo," in which a large group of octopuses protected the castle from invaders, is well-known. The castle keep was reconstructed in 1954, and the Kishiwada Castle Garden (Hachijin no Niwa) within the castle grounds has been designated as a national scenic spot. Every September, the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is held, during which fifteen danjiri (large wooden carts) enter the Kishiwada Castle shrine, attracting large crowds of spectators.

596 岸和田市


TEL 072-431-3251
開 10:00~17:00(最終入場16:00)
休 月曜(祝日を除く)、 12/29~1/3
料 300円
南海岸和田駅から徒歩13分。 または南海蛸地蔵駅から徒歩7分

Kishiwada Castle
9-1 Kishijōchō, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka 596-0071, Japan
TEL +81 72-431-3251
Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (last admission at 4:00 PM)
Closed on Mondays (except public holidays), December 29 to January 3
Admission fee: 300 yen
13-minute walk from Nankai Kishiwada Station, or 7-minute walk from Nankai Tako-jizō Station.
Website: www.city.kishiwada.osaka.jp/kishiwadajyo