サービス > 海外在住・旅行 > 現地視察・見学 > 箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall


箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall

箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall 1
  • 箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall 1
  • 箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall 2
  • 箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall 3
  • 箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall 4
  • 箕面大滝 | Minoh Waterfall 5

箕面大滝は、日本の滝百選に選ばれている、 落差33mの滝。 一帯は府営公園として整備され、 明治の森箕面国定公園にも指定されている。古くは修験道の行場であったが、 明 治43 (1910) 年に箕面有馬電気軌道 (現・阪急電鉄) が開業したことで、観光地として人気を集めるようになった。 紅葉の名所としても知られ、 年間120万人ほどの観光客が訪れる。

Minoh Waterfall is a waterfall with a height of 33 meters that has been selected as one of Japan's Top 100 Waterfalls. The surrounding area is maintained as a municipal park and has also been designated as part of the Meiji no Mori Minoh Quasi-National Park. In the past, it was a training ground for Shugendo, but after the opening of the Minoh Arima Electric Tramway (now Hankyu Railway) in 1910 during the Meiji period, it became a popular tourist destination. It is also known as a famous spot for autumn leaves, and attracts approximately 1.2 million tourists annually.

562 箕面市


TEL 072-721-3014

▶Minoh Waterfall
Minoh Park, Minoh City
TEL +81 72-721-3014
Admission is free
Approximately 40-minute walk from Hankyu Minoh Station
Website: www.mino-park.jp