サービス > 海外在住・旅行 > 現地視察・見学 > 天神橋筋商店街 | Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street


天神橋筋商店街 | Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street

天神橋筋商店街 | Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street 1
  • 天神橋筋商店街 | Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street 1
  • 天神橋筋商店街 | Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street 2
  • 天神橋筋商店街 | Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street 3

天神橋筋商店街は、天神橋1丁目から6丁目まで約2.6km、 地下鉄2区間分以上の長さを誇る、アーケード街としては直線距離で日本一長い商店街。 古くから大阪天満宮の門前町として、また商業地としても栄えた歴史を持つ。 さまざまな店が軒を連ね、昼夜を問わず活気にあふれている。

Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street is a long covered shopping arcade in Osaka, Japan, spanning over 2.6 kilometers with around 600 shops and restaurants. It is considered to be one of the longest shopping arcades in Japan and is a popular destination for both locals and tourists. The arcade is located in the Kita ward of Osaka and is easily accessible by train or subway.

Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street is a shopping arcade that stretches approximately 2.6 kilometers from Tenjinbashi 1-chome to 6-chome, making it the longest straight shopping street in Japan in terms of distance spanning over 2 subway sections. It has a rich history as both a commercial district and a town that developed around Osaka Tenmangu Shrine. The street is lined with various shops and restaurants and is bustling with energy day and night.

530 大阪市


JR天満駅、 大阪天満宮駅ほか、地下鉄扇町駅、南森町駅、天神橋筋六丁目駅などから徒歩すぐ

Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street
Osaka City Kita-ku Tenjinbashi 1-6 Chome
A short walk from JR Temma Station, Osaka Tenmangu Station, and other stations such as Subway Ogimachi Station, Minami-morimachi Station, and Tenjinbashi 6-chome Station