サービス > 海外在住・旅行 > 現地視察・見学 > 道頓堀 | Dotonbori


道頓堀 | Dotonbori

道頓堀 | Dotonbori 1
  • 道頓堀 | Dotonbori 1
  • 道頓堀 | Dotonbori 2
  • 道頓堀 | Dotonbori 3
  • 道頓堀 | Dotonbori 4
  • 道頓堀 | Dotonbori 5

江戸時代初期に開削された堀川であり、私財を投じて掘削事業に取り組んだ商人・安井道頓にちなんで名付けられた。一般的には戎橋周辺の繁華街一帯を指し、 大阪ミナミを代表するエリアとして知られる。 また川沿いには遊歩道とんぼりリバーウォークがあるほか、 道頓堀筋には大阪を代表する有名店が軒を連ねている。

道頓堀(Dotonbori) is a canal that was excavated in the early Edo period and named after a merchant named Yasui Doton who invested his own money in the excavation project. It generally refers to the bustling area around the Ebisu-bashi bridge, and is known as the representative area of Osaka's Minami district. Along the river, there is a promenade called Tonbori River Walk, and famous shops representing Osaka are lined up on the Dotonbori street.

542 大阪市


地下鉄なんば駅、 心斎橋駅、南海なんば駅、近鉄大阪難波
駅 日本橋駅から徒歩約5~10分

Dotonbori is located in Chuo-ku, Osaka City. It is a famous area representing Osaka Minami, which generally refers to the downtown area around Dotonbori Bridge. The name "Dotonbori" is derived from a canal that was excavated in the early Edo period, which was named after a merchant named Yasui Doton who invested his private funds in the excavation project. Along the canal, there is a promenade called Tonbori Riverwalk, and famous shops representing Osaka are lined up on Dotonbori Street. Admission is free, but there are some paid facilities. It is about a 5-10 minute walk from Namba Station, Shinsaibashi Station, Nankai Namba Station, and Nihonbashi Station on the subway.