サービス > 町の案内 > 築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple

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築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple

築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple 1
  • 築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple 1
  • 築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple 2
  • 築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple 3
  • 築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple 4
  • 築地本願寺 | Tsukiji Honganji Temple 5

築地本願寺は、京都の西本願寺を本山とする浄土真宗本願寺派の関東における拠点。インドなどアジアの古代仏教建築を模した外観をはじめ、 オリエンタルな雰囲気漂う内装などが特徴。 本堂と大谷石の石塀、 門柱は国の重要文化財に指定されている。 ショップやティーラウンジ、カフェを併設している。築地本願寺に併設されたカフェ 「Tsumugi」 では、 「18品の朝ごはん」のほか、仏教や浄土真宗にちなんだ朝食やランチ、築地場外市場内の店のおつまみ、 築地本願寺オリジナルティーやスイーツを楽しめる。

Tsukiji Honganji is the main temple of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji-ha sect in the Kanto region, with its head temple being the Nishi Honganji Temple in Kyoto. Its appearance is modeled after ancient Buddhist architecture in India and other parts of Asia, and the interior exudes an oriental atmosphere. The main hall and the stone walls made of Oya stone, as well as the gate pillars, have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the Japanese government. The temple also has shops, a tea lounge, and a café. The café attached to Tsukiji Honganji, called "Tsumugi," serves breakfast and lunch dishes inspired by Buddhism and Jodo Shinshu, as well as snacks from stores in the nearby Tsukiji Outer Market, original teas and sweets from Tsukiji Honganji.

104 中央区


TEL 0120-792-048
URL tsukijihongwanji.jp

Tsukiji Honganji is located at 3-15-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The temple can be reached by taking the subway to Tsukiji Station, and taking the No.1 exit directly to the temple. The temple is open every day from 6:00 to 16:00 and admission is free of charge. For more information, you can visit their website at tsukijihongwanji.jp or call 0120-792-048.