サービス > 町の案内 > 浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple

浅草の観音様。 東京最古の仏教寺院

浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple

浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple 1
  • 浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple 1
  • 浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple 2
  • 浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple 3
  • 浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple 4
  • 浅草寺 | Asakusa Temple 5

浅草寺は、1400年近い歴史をもつ東京都内で最古の寺。 ご本尊は、世間の生きとし生けるものの音声を観じ、その苦しみを除き、願いを聞いて安楽を与えてくれる仏様「聖観世音菩薩」。 戦後に再建された本堂は、急勾配の屋根をもつ入母屋造り。本堂の東に建つ朱塗りの二天門は、 江戸時代初期の古建築として貴重であり、国の重要文化財に指定されている。 現在の二天門は、慶安2(1649)年の創建で、平成22(2010)年に改修を終え、創建当初の姿がよみがえった。 二天門をくぐった近くには、 三社様と称される浅草神社(重要文化財)がある。

浅草寺は、東京都台東区浅草二丁目にある都内最古の寺で、正式には金龍山浅草寺と号する。聖観世音菩薩を本尊とすることから、浅草観音として知られている。山号は金龍山。 元は天台宗に属していたが、昭和25年に独立して聖観音宗の本山となった。都内では、坂東三十三箇所観音霊場唯一の札所、また江戸三十三箇所観音霊場の札所でもある。

Sensoji Temple is the oldest temple in Tokyo, with a history of nearly 1400 years. The main deity enshrined in the temple is the Buddhist saint Kannon, who is said to listen to the voices of all living beings, relieve their suffering, and grant them peace and happiness. The main hall of the temple was rebuilt after World War II in the traditional Japanese style, featuring a steeply sloping roof and a gabled structure. The two-story gate located to the east of the main hall, called the Niomon Gate, is a valuable cultural property designated by the Japanese government, as it is one of the few surviving examples of early Edo-period architecture. The current Niomon Gate was built in 1649, and underwent renovations in 2010 to restore its original appearance. Nearby, there is the Asakusa Shrine (also designated as an important cultural property), which is known as the "Three Shrines." Sensoji Temple, also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple, is located in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo, and is officially called Kinryuzan Sensoji Temple. The temple was originally part of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, but became the main temple of the independent Seikannon sect in 1950. Sensoji Temple is the only temple in the Bando 33 Kannon Pilgrimage and is also one of the temples in the Edo 33 Kannon Pilgrimage.

111 台東区


TEL 03-3842-0181
開 4~9月 6:00~17:00 10~3 月 6:30-17:00

Sensoji Temple is located at 2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo. The temple can be reached by a 5-minute walk from exit 1 of Asakusa Station on the subway. The temple is open year-round, with operating hours from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm from April to September, and from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm from October to March. Admission to the temple is free, and the temple is open every day. For inquiries, you can contact the temple at 03-3842-0181. More information can be found at the website www.senso-ji.jp.