サービス > 町の案内 > 小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands


小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands

小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands 1
  • 小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands 1
  • 小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands 2
  • 小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands 3
  • 小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands 4
  • 小笠原諸島 | Ogasawara Islands 5

東京都心から南へ約1000km。 小笠原諸島は太平洋上に散在する30余の島々からなる。 亜熱帯海洋性気候に属し、年間を通して気温の変化が比較的少ないが、台風の常襲地帯でもある。主島である父島にも空港はなく、 東京との間におおむね6日に1便運航している定期船おがさわら丸が片道24時間で結ぶ。 民間人が居住しているのは父島と母島で人口は父島が約2100人、 母島が約450人。 特異な歴史と文化をもつ小笠原諸島では、農業・漁業が盛んだが大自然を活かしたエコツアーの先進地として、 観光業に携わる人も多い。竹芝客船ターミナルと大島を最短1時間45分で結ぶ高速ジェット船 (ジェットフォイル)。 ジェットエンジンで海水を吹き出し、空気の代わりに海水から揚力を得て飛ぶ 「海のジェット機」。 時速約80kmだが波の影響を受けず、ほとんど揺れない。

The Ogasawara Islands are located about 1,000 km south of central Tokyo and consist of over 30 scattered islands in the Pacific Ocean. They have a subtropical oceanic climate, with relatively little variation in temperature throughout the year, but are also in a region that is frequently hit by typhoons. There is no airport on the main island of Chichijima, and regular passenger ships like the Ogasawara Maru operate approximately once every six days between Tokyo and Chichijima, taking 24 hours one way. The only islands with civilian populations are Chichijima, with a population of about 2,100, and Hahajima, with a population of about 450. The Ogasawara Islands have a unique history and culture, and while agriculture and fishing are important industries, many people are involved in tourism, as the islands are an advanced destination for ecotourism that takes advantage of their natural beauty. The high-speed jetfoil connects the Takeshiba Ferry Terminal in Tokyo with Ogasawara's largest island in just 1 hour and 45 minutes. The jetfoil is a "sea jet" that uses a jet engine to spray seawater and gain lift from the water instead of air, reaching speeds of approximately 80 km/h without being affected by waves and causing little to no motion sickness.


TEL 03-5776-2422 (小笠原村観光局)
URL www.visitogasawara.com
■おがさわら丸 (小笠原海運)
TEL 03-3451-5171
週1便11:00発 (スケジュールは公式サイトで要確認)
URL www.ogasawarakaiun.co.jp
TEL 04998-2-3001

■Ogasawara Islands
TEL 03-5776-2422 (Ogasawara Village Tourist Office)
URL www.visitogasawara.com
■Ogasawara Maru (Ogasawara Kaiun)
Operates from Takeshiba Passenger Terminal.
TEL 03-3451-5171
1 round-trip per week departing at 11:00 (schedule subject to change, please check the official website)
Fares start from JPY 25,770 one-way.
URL www.ogasawarakaiun.co.jp
■Ogasawara Visitor Center
Ogasawara Village, Chichijima Nishi-cho
TEL 04998-2-3001
Open from 8:30 to 17:00 on the day of Ogasawara Maru's arrival (free admission).