サービス > 町の案内 > 上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo


上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo

上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo  1
  • 上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo  1
  • 上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo  2
  • 上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo  3
  • 上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo  4
  • 上野恩賜公園 ・上野動物園 | Ueno Onshi Park Ueno Zoo  5

明治6(1873)年の太政官布達により、日本で初めて公園に指定された。通称は上野公園であり、 上野の森とも呼ばれる都民のオアシス。 約53ヘクタールという広大な園内には、桜をはじめ多彩な花々や樹木が四季を彩る。園内には、 上野動物園のほか、 東京国立博物館や国立科学博物館、国立西洋美術館など、多くの文化施設もある。上野動物園 明治15 (1882) 年に農商務省所管の博物館付属施設として開園した、 日本初の動物園。 昭和47(1972)年には、日中国交回復を記念しジャイアントパンダが来園。 今もパンダは絶大な人気を誇る。

Ueno Park was designated as Japan's first park in 1873 by a government decree. It is also known as Ueno no Mori and serves as an oasis for Tokyo residents. The vast park, spanning approximately 53 hectares, is adorned with a variety of flowers and trees that add color to the four seasons, including cherry blossoms. Many cultural facilities are located within the park, such as the Tokyo National Museum, the National Museum of Nature and Science, and the National Museum of Western Art, in addition to the Ueno Zoo. The Ueno Zoo was established in 1882 as Japan's first zoo under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry. In 1972, in commemoration of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, a giant panda was brought to the zoo, which remains extremely popular to this day.

110 台東区


TEL 03-3828-5644 (上野恩賜公園管理所)
TEL 03-3828-5171
開 9:30~17:00 (最終入場16:00)
休 月曜(祝日の場合は翌日)、12/29~1/1
◇ Ueno Park
Ueno Onshi Park, Taito-ku
TEL 03-3828-5644 (Ueno Onshi Park Management Office)
5:00 am to 11:00 pm
Open daily
Free admission
Located right by the Park Exit of JR Ueno Station

◇ Ueno Zoo
9-83 Ueno Park, Taito-ku
TEL 03-3828-5171
Open 9:30 am to 5:00 pm (last admission at 4:00 pm)
Closed on Mondays (or the following day if it's a national holiday), December 29 to January 1
Admission fee: 600 yen
*Please check the official website for the latest information
5 minutes' walk from the Park Exit of JR Ueno Station