サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park


歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park

歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park 1
  • 歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park 1
  • 歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park 2
  • 歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park 3
  • 歴史公園えさし藤原の郷 | Esashi-Fujiwara Heritage Park 4

奥州藤原氏初代清衡誕生の地に作られた歴史テーマパーク。広大な園内には平安時代の建造物を再現したものが120棟点在し、 奥州藤原氏が住んでいた平泉の居城、 伽羅 御所は平安時代の寝殿造りの様式を再現した日本で唯一の建造物。 政治や重要な儀式が行われていた政庁、 東北の武士の館経清館、 大和朝廷時代に造られた城柵、創建当時の金色堂などどれも忠実に再現されている。十二単や束帯、女官装束など平安貴族になれる変身プランも人気。 紅葉の時期には寝殿造りの建物を再現した 「伽羅御所」や美しい庭園などがライトアップされ、 園内は幻想的な雰囲気に包まれる。歴史公園えさし藤原の郷では5日前までに予約をすれば秀衡公や義経が食したであろう平安時代の食事を再現した平安時代食の特別膳も食べることができる。



This is a historical theme park created in the birthplace of the first generation of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, Kiyohira. The vast park has 120 reproductions of buildings from the Heian period, including the imperial palace of the Oshu Fujiwara clan in Hiraizumi where Kiyohira lived, which is the only building in Japan that reproduces the style of a Heian period sleeping palace. The park also faithfully reproduces other buildings such as the government office where politics and important ceremonies were held, the Keiseikan mansion of the samurai in Tohoku, the castle fences built during the Yamato period, and the Konjikido hall as it was when first constructed.

There is also a popular transformation plan where visitors can dress up in Heian aristocratic costumes such as the twelve-layered robe, the bundle obi, and the court lady's attire. During the autumn leaves season, the "Gara Palace" and beautiful gardens, reproduced in the style of the sleeping palace, are lit up, and the park is enveloped in a fantastic atmosphere. At the Esashi Fujiwara no Sato Historical Park, if you make a reservation at least five days in advance, you can also enjoy a special Heian period meal that recreates the food that the famous figures Hidesada and Yoshitsune may have eaten.

"Oshu City Esashi" is the land where Kiyohira, the first generation of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, and his father Keisei lived. Kiyohira is the one who built the "Konjikido" in Hiraizumi, which was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June 2011. The "Esashi Fujiwara no Sato Historical Park" is a historical theme park of the Heian period that was established in 1993, based on the rise and fall of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, during the filming of the NHK Taiga drama "Honoo no Tōkyūji: Dodge Danpei".

On the approximately 20-hectare site, about 120 buildings of various sizes have been built, including the "Gara Palace," which reproduces the residential buildings of Heian aristocrats, the "Keiseikan" and "Kiyohirakan" mansions, which reproduce samurai houses, and the "Seicho," which governs politics. Inside the buildings, visitors can enjoy various experiences such as wearing period costumes and armor, archery and shell matching games. Throughout the year, various flowers such as cherry blossoms, wisteria, azaleas, hydrangeas, lotuses, bush clovers, and autumn leaves add color to the park.

023 奥州市


〒023-1101 岩手県奥州市江刺岩谷堂小名丸86−1
TEL 0197-35-7791
開 3~10月 9:00~17:00 11~2月 9:30-16:00
休 1/1
料 1000円
URL www.fujiwaranosato.com

Address: 86-1 Iwayadō Konamaru, Esashi-ku, Ōshū-shi, Iwate 023-1101, Japan
Phone: +81 197-35-7791
Hours: March-October: 9:00am-5:00pm, November-February: 9:30am-4:00pm (last entry one hour before closing)
Closed on January 1st
Admission Fee: 1000 yen
Located about a 15-minute drive from JR Mizusawa-Esashi Station
Website: www.fujiwaranosato.com