サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 小田原城 | Odawara Castle


小田原城 | Odawara Castle

小田原城 | Odawara Castle 1
  • 小田原城 | Odawara Castle 1
  • 小田原城 | Odawara Castle 2
  • 小田原城 | Odawara Castle 3

小田原城は、天正18(1590)年の小田原合戦の舞台となった城。難攻不落と言われた城に籠城する北条氏に対し、 豊臣秀吉は奇策を使いつつ開城までは約100日に及んだ。 現在の天守閣は、昭和35(1960)年に江戸時代の姿に復興されたもの。 最上階からは相模湾が一望にできる。


Odawara Castle is a castle that served as the stage for the Odawara Campaign in 1590. The castle was known for being impregnable, and the Hojo clan defended it during the siege. However, Toyotomi Hideyoshi employed unique tactics and the siege lasted for about 100 days until the castle was opened. The current main tower was reconstructed in the Edo period in 1960 to its original form. From the top floor, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Sagami Bay.

Odawara Castle is located in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, and it was also the castle of the Odawara clan, which was the center of politics, economics, and culture in the Kanto region during the Edo period. It is said that the castle was built by the Hojo clan from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century. In the Edo period, the feudal lord of the Odawara clan ruled the castle as its lord and it prospered alongside the castle town. Odawara Castle is known as one of the representative ruins of Japanese castles, with remains such as the main tower, walls, turrets, earthen embankments, and moats. Additionally, Odawara Castle has been designated as a special scenic spot of the country as "Hojo clan garden," and its beautiful garden is also one of its highlights.

250 小田原市


小田原市城内 6-1
TEL 0465-22-3818
開 9:00~17:00 (最終入場16:30)
休 12月の第2水曜、12/31、1/1

Odawara Castle
6-1 Jonai, Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
TEL 0465-22-3818
Open 9:00-17:00 (Last admission at 16:30)
Closed on the second Wednesday of December, December 31st, and January 1st
Admission fee: 510 yen
A 10-15 minute walk from Odawara Station, accessible via JR, Odakyu, and other train lines.
Website: odawaracastle.com