サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 湯島 | Yushima (Kumamoto's Cat Island)


湯島 | Yushima (Kumamoto's Cat Island)

湯島 | Yushima (Kumamoto's Cat Island) 1
  • 湯島 | Yushima (Kumamoto's Cat Island) 1
  • 湯島 | Yushima (Kumamoto's Cat Island) 2

湯島は、熊本県上天草市大矢野町の島である。周囲約4kmの離島 島民と同じくらいの猫がいることから猫島とも呼ばれる。人口約300人に対し約200匹の“猫密”の島でSNSでも有名。有明海の入口を守る白亜の湯島灯台や、 冬季のみ味わえる梨のように甘い大根、 湯島大根でも知られる。

Yushima is an island located in Oyano-cho, Kamiamakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture. It is a small island with a circumference of about 4 km and is also known as "Cat Island" due to the large number of cats, almost the same number as the island's population of about 300 people. It has become famous on social media for its "cat paradise" reputation. Yushima is also known for its white Yushima lighthouse, which guards the entrance to the Ariake Sea, as well as its winter-only daikon radishes, which are as sweet as pears and are sometimes referred to as "Yushima daikon".

113 上天草市


TEL 0964-26-5512 (上天草市観光おもてなし課)

Oyano-cho, Kamiamakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture
TEL +81 964-26-5512 (Kamiamakusa City Tourism and Hospitality Division)
Take the bus from JR Kumamoto Station for 1 hour and 19 minutes and get off at Sanpaaru, then walk for 5 minutes to the Egito Port, where you can take a regular ferry for about 30 minutes to Yushima.
Website: www.city.kamiamakusa.kumamoto.jp/q/aview/134/12873.html