内部は畳敷きの、 ゴシック様式の教会
内部は畳敷きの、 ゴシック様式の教会
﨑津教会 | Sakitsu Church

- カテゴリ
- 町の案内町の案内・現地ツアー
- エリア
- 日本熊本県

世界文化遺産 「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺跡」の構成資産である﨑津集落は、 潜伏キリシタンの村として激動の時代をくぐり抜け歴史をもつ。 その中心にひときわ高く、 ゴシック様式の塔を頂く教会。明治6(1873)年に禁教令が解かれた後、 明治21(1888)年に木造の﨑津教会が建設された。 この教会が老朽化したため、昭和9(1934)年にフランス人宣教師ハルブ神父の時に現在の西洋式の重厚な教会が新築された。 教会内部はステンドグラスが美しく、 床は座席ではなく畳敷きになっているのが珍しい。港に臨むロケーションから海の天主堂とも呼ばれている。集落の高台には、 禁教時代に潜伏キリシタンの密かな信仰の場であった﨑津諏訪神社が立つ。﨑津集落は駐車場が少ない。 車で訪れる場合、 﨑津集落ガイダンスセンターの駐車場か、 天草漁協﨑津支所周辺の観光駐車場を利用しよう。 集落内の道幅は狭く歩道は設けられていないので、 広がらず路側帯を歩こう。
Sakitsu village, which is a component of the World Cultural Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region," has a history of passing through turbulent times as a village of Hidden Christians. At the center of the village stands a church with a Gothic-style tower, which is particularly prominent. After the lifting of the ban on Christianity in Meiji 6 (1873), a wooden Sakitsu Church was constructed in Meiji 21 (1888). However, due to its aging, a new Western-style and majestic church was built during the time of Father Halbout, a French missionary, in Showa 9 (1934).
The interior of the church is decorated with beautiful stained glass, and the floor is covered with tatami mats instead of seats, which is unusual. Due to its location facing the port, it is also called the "Seaside Cathedral." On the high ground of the village, there is Sakitsu Suwa Shrine, which was a secret place of worship for Hidden Christians during the ban on Christianity.
Sakitsu village has limited parking space. If you visit by car, you can use the parking lot at the Sakitsu Village Guidance Center or the tourist parking lot around the Amakusa Fishermen's Cooperative Sakitsu Branch. The roads within the village are narrow, and there are no sidewalks, so please walk on the roadside.
Sakitsu village, which is a component of the World Cultural Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region," has a history of passing through turbulent times as a village of Hidden Christians. At the center of the village stands a church with a Gothic-style tower, which is particularly prominent. After the lifting of the ban on Christianity in Meiji 6 (1873), a wooden Sakitsu Church was constructed in Meiji 21 (1888). However, due to its aging, a new Western-style and majestic church was built during the time of Father Halbout, a French missionary, in Showa 9 (1934).
The interior of the church is decorated with beautiful stained glass, and the floor is covered with tatami mats instead of seats, which is unusual. Due to its location facing the port, it is also called the "Seaside Cathedral." On the high ground of the village, there is Sakitsu Suwa Shrine, which was a secret place of worship for Hidden Christians during the ban on Christianity.
Sakitsu village has limited parking space. If you visit by car, you can use the parking lot at the Sakitsu Village Guidance Center or the tourist parking lot around the Amakusa Fishermen's Cooperative Sakitsu Branch. The roads within the village are narrow, and there are no sidewalks, so please walk on the roadside.
TEL 0969-78-6000 (天草市﨑津集落ガイダンスセンター)
開 9:00~17:00(見学はウェブサイトの予約フォームから前日の15:00までに予約)
本渡バスセンターから牛深市民病院行きバスで57分の運動公園前で下車。 下田温泉行きバスに乗り換えて12分の﨑津教会入口下車、徒歩すぐ
Zakitsu Church
539 Zakitsu, Kawaura-cho, Amakusa-shi
TEL 0969-78-6000 (Amakusa-shi Zakitsu Settlement Guidance Center)
Open 9:00-17:00 (Visits must be reserved through the website reservation form by 15:00 the day before.)
Open daily (Closed occasionally due to church events.)
Free admission
Take the bus bound for Ushibuchi Citizen Hospital from the Honmachi Bus Center and get off at the Undokoen-mae stop after 57 minutes. Transfer to the bus bound for Shimoda Onsen and get off at the Zakitsu Church entrance stop after 12 minutes. It's a short walk from there.
TEL 0969-78-6000 (天草市﨑津集落ガイダンスセンター)
開 9:00~17:00(見学はウェブサイトの予約フォームから前日の15:00までに予約)
本渡バスセンターから牛深市民病院行きバスで57分の運動公園前で下車。 下田温泉行きバスに乗り換えて12分の﨑津教会入口下車、徒歩すぐ
Zakitsu Church
539 Zakitsu, Kawaura-cho, Amakusa-shi
TEL 0969-78-6000 (Amakusa-shi Zakitsu Settlement Guidance Center)
Open 9:00-17:00 (Visits must be reserved through the website reservation form by 15:00 the day before.)
Open daily (Closed occasionally due to church events.)
Free admission
Take the bus bound for Ushibuchi Citizen Hospital from the Honmachi Bus Center and get off at the Undokoen-mae stop after 57 minutes. Transfer to the bus bound for Shimoda Onsen and get off at the Zakitsu Church entrance stop after 12 minutes. It's a short walk from there.