復興が待ち遠しい清正公 (せいしょこ)の名城
熊本城 | Kumamoto Castle

- カテゴリ
- 町の案内町の案内・現地ツアー
- エリア
- 日本熊本県

熊本城は、関ヶ原の戦いの後、築城の名手として知られる加藤清正により慶長12 (1607)年頃に築城されまた、日本三名城のひとつ。漆喰の白と下見板張りの黒のコントラストが美しく、勾配が上に行くにしたがって急になる武者返しと呼ばれる石垣も特徴で、 美観と強固さを兼ね備えた名城。西南戦争時の混乱で城の大部分を焼失したが、昭和35(1960)年から平成20(2008)年にかけ天守閣や櫓、塀などが再建された。 平成28(2016)年の熊本地震で多くの建物や石垣が被害を受けたが、 令和3 (2021) 年春に天守閣の復旧が完了し、復興のシンボルとして特別公開も行われている。本丸にある加藤神社は、 清正を建築・土木の神として祀る。
Kumamoto Castle was built around the year 1607 by Kato Kiyomasa, a renowned castle builder who was known for his skill in castle construction, after the Battle of Sekigahara. It is one of Japan's three most famous castles. The castle's beauty and strength are both features of note, with its white plaster and black siding creating a striking contrast. The steep stone walls, called "mushagaeshi," which become steeper as they go up, are another distinctive feature. Although much of the castle was destroyed in the confusion of the Satsuma Rebellion, the castle's keep, towers, and walls were rebuilt between 1960 and 2008. The Kumamoto Earthquake of 2016 caused significant damage to many of the buildings and walls, but the restoration of the castle keep was completed in the spring of 2021, and special public viewings have been held as a symbol of the reconstruction effort. The Kato Shrine located in the main citadel enshrines Kiyomasa as the god of construction and civil engineering.
Kumamoto Castle was built around the year 1607 by Kato Kiyomasa, a renowned castle builder who was known for his skill in castle construction, after the Battle of Sekigahara. It is one of Japan's three most famous castles. The castle's beauty and strength are both features of note, with its white plaster and black siding creating a striking contrast. The steep stone walls, called "mushagaeshi," which become steeper as they go up, are another distinctive feature. Although much of the castle was destroyed in the confusion of the Satsuma Rebellion, the castle's keep, towers, and walls were rebuilt between 1960 and 2008. The Kumamoto Earthquake of 2016 caused significant damage to many of the buildings and walls, but the restoration of the castle keep was completed in the spring of 2021, and special public viewings have been held as a symbol of the reconstruction effort. The Kato Shrine located in the main citadel enshrines Kiyomasa as the god of construction and civil engineering.
TEL 096-223-5011
開 9:00~17:00 (最終入場16:30)
2021年は12/29 (年により異なる)
JR熊本駅から熊本城周遊バスしろめぐりんで熊本城 二の丸駐車場下車、徒歩すぐ。 または市電熊本城・市役所前電停から徒歩10分
Kumamoto Castle
1-1 Honmaru, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City
TEL 096-223-5011
Opening Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm (last admission at 4:30pm)
Closed on December 29th (varies by year)
Admission fee: 800 yen
Access: Take the Kumamoto Castle Loop Bus "Shiromegurin" from JR Kumamoto Station and get off at Kumamoto Castle Ninomaru Parking, which is just a short walk away. Alternatively, it's a 10-minute walk from the Kumamoto Castle/Shiyakusho-mae tram stop.
Website: castle.kumamoto-guide.jp
TEL 096-223-5011
開 9:00~17:00 (最終入場16:30)
2021年は12/29 (年により異なる)
JR熊本駅から熊本城周遊バスしろめぐりんで熊本城 二の丸駐車場下車、徒歩すぐ。 または市電熊本城・市役所前電停から徒歩10分
Kumamoto Castle
1-1 Honmaru, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City
TEL 096-223-5011
Opening Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm (last admission at 4:30pm)
Closed on December 29th (varies by year)
Admission fee: 800 yen
Access: Take the Kumamoto Castle Loop Bus "Shiromegurin" from JR Kumamoto Station and get off at Kumamoto Castle Ninomaru Parking, which is just a short walk away. Alternatively, it's a 10-minute walk from the Kumamoto Castle/Shiyakusho-mae tram stop.
Website: castle.kumamoto-guide.jp