サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan

建長寺、 円覚寺、 寿福寺、 浄智寺、 浄妙寺

鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan

鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan 1
  • 鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan 1
  • 鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan 2
  • 鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan 3
  • 鎌倉五山 |Kamakura Gozan 4

禅宗は鎌倉時代に伝わり、 以降、 武士や庶民に広まった日本仏教のひとつ。 鎌倉にも多くの禅宗寺院が建てられたが、 うち禅宗のひとつの臨済宗で寺格が上の5つの寺を鎌倉五山と呼ぶ。 第一位から第五位の順で、 建長寺、 円覚寺、 寿福寺、 浄智寺、 浄妙寺となっている。

建長寺は緑豊かな山中に伽藍が建つ臨済宗建長寺派の大本山。 円覚寺は元寇で戦死した両国兵士を分け隔てなく弔うために創建。 北条政子ゆかりの寿福寺は、 自然豊かな参道の美しさが鎌倉一と言われる。山間の狭い平地に作られた浄智寺には、周囲の山肌にやぐらと呼ばれる石仏や石塔を安置するため掘った横穴が残る。 浄妙寺はかつて広大な敷地を擁し、 現在は石窯ガーデンテラスなどで人気だ。

鎌倉五山のうち建長寺、円覚寺、浄智寺は、 緑豊かな北鎌倉エリアにある。北鎌倉から寿福寺や鎌倉中心部へ、 よく整備されたハイキングコースを歩くのも楽しい。鎌倉の有名古寺には、五山のほか、 あじさい寺として知られる明月院、竹林のな岩窟庭園の瑞泉寺などがある。建長寺三門は三間二重門として東日本最大といわれている。 重厚感あるぶ厚い軒唐破風の上層は見応えがある。 安永4(1775) 年の再建、 国の重要文化財に指定されている。

Zen Buddhism was introduced to Japan during the Kamakura period and became one of the popular forms of Buddhism among the samurai and common people. Many Zen temples were built in Kamakura, and among them, the five temples of the Rinzai sect with higher ranking are known as Kamakura Gozan. The five temples are, in order of rank, Kenchoji, Engakuji, Jufukuji, Jochiji, and Jomyoji.

Kenchoji is the head temple of the Rinzai Kenchoji sect, located in the lush green mountains. Engakuji was built to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Mongol invasions without distinction of nationality. Jufukuji, which is associated with Hojo Masako, is known for its beautiful natural approach. Jochiji, located in a narrow flat area in the mountains, has remaining horizontal tunnels dug to enshrine stone Buddhas and towers called yagura on the surrounding mountain slopes. Jomyoji, which once had a vast area, is now popular for its stone oven garden terrace.

Among the Kamakura Gozan, Kenchoji, Engakuji, and Jochiji are located in the lush green area of northern Kamakura. It is enjoyable to walk along a well-maintained hiking trail from northern Kamakura to Jufukuji and the center of Kamakura. In addition to the five temples, Kamakura has other famous temples such as Myoshinji, which is known as the hydrangea temple, and Zuishi Temple, which has a rock cave garden with bamboo groves. The Sanmon gate of Kenchoji is said to be the largest two-story gate in eastern Japan, with an impressive upper roof with thick eaves. It was reconstructed in 1775 and is designated as a National Important Cultural Property.

247 鎌倉市


〒247-8525 神奈川県鎌倉市山ノ内 8
TEL 0467-22-0981
開 8:30~16:30 休 無休 料500円
URL www.kenchoji.com
鎌倉市山ノ内 409 TEL 0467-22-0478
開 3~11月 8:00~16:30
URL www.engakuji.or.jp
URL www.trip-kamakura.com/place/168.html
TEL 0467-22-3943
開 9:00~16:30 休 無休 料200円
URL jochiji.com
TEL 0467-22-2818
無休 料 100円
URL trip-kamakura.com/place/183.html

○ Kencho-ji Temple
8 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City
TEL 0467-22-0981
Open 8:30-16:30, closed every day, admission fee 500 yen
15-minute walk from JR Kitakamakura Station
URL www.kenchoji.com

○ Engaku-ji Temple
409 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City
TEL 0467-22-0478
Open from March to November, 8:00-16:30
Open from December to February, 8:00-16:00
Admission fee 500 yen, open every day
1-minute walk from JR Kitakamakura Station
URL www.engakuji.or.jp

○ Jufuku-ji Temple
1-17-7 Ogigaya, Kamakura City
10-minute walk from JR Kamakura Station
URL www.trip-kamakura.com/place/168.html

○ Jochi-ji Temple
1402 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City
TEL 0467-22-3943
Open 9:00-16:30, closed every day, admission fee 200 yen
8-minute walk from JR Kitakamakura Station
URL jochiji.com

○ Jomyo-ji Temple
3-8-31 Jomyoji, Kamakura City
TEL 0467-22-2818
Open 9:00-16:30, admission fee 100 yen, open every day
Take a bus bound for Hachimangu Shrine from JR Kamakura Station and get off at Jomyoji, 2-minute walk from there
URL trip-kamakura.com/place/183.html