サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park


愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park

愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park 1
  • 愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park 1
  • 愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park 2
  • 愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park 3
  • 愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park 4
  • 愛媛県立とべ動物園 | Tobe Zoological Park 5

約150種700点の動物を飼育する西日本最大級の動物園。日本で初めて人工哺育に成功したホッキョクグマのピースはみんなの人気者だ。ほかにも親子3頭で仲良く暮らすアフリカゾウなど、 会いに行きたい人気者がたくさん。 悠々と泳ぐフンボルトペンギンをさまざまな角度から見学できるプールもフォトジェニックと話題。

We are the largest zoo in Western Japan, with around 700 animals from approximately 150 species. Our beloved polar bear, Peace, was the first in Japan to be successfully artificially reared and is a crowd favorite. Other popular animals include a family of three African elephants who live happily together. There are many popular animals you will want to visit. Additionally, the pool where Humboldt penguins leisurely swim can be observed from various angles and is a hot topic among visitors for its photogenic qualities.



TEL 089-962-6000
開 9:00~17:00 (最終入場16:30)
休 月曜(祝日の場合は翌日)
料 500円
URL www.tobezoo.com

Ehime Prefectural Tobe Zoo
240 Kamihara-cho, Tobe-gun, Iyo-cho, Ehime
TEL 089-962-6000
Hours: 9:00-17:00 (last admission at 16:30)
Closed on Mondays (or the following day if it's a national holiday)
Admission fee: 500 yen
Access: Take the Iyotetsu bus from Matsuyama City Station for 36 minutes, get off at Tobe Zoo-mae, and walk for 5 minutes
Website: www.tobezoo.com