サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train

文学の町・松山を駆け抜ける 車両部品などファン必見の展示も

坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train

坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train 1
  • 坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train 1
  • 坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train 2
  • 坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train 3
  • 坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train 4
  • 坊っちゃん列車 | Botchan Train 5

坊っちゃん列車は、伊予鉄道の開業から間もない明治21(1888) 年から、67年間にわたり松山市街を走った蒸気機関車を復元したもの。夏目漱石の小説 『坊っちゃん』に登場したことから名付けられた。 レトロな列車が道後温泉街や松山城などを背景に走る光景は、とても画になる。
●坊っちゃん列車ミュージアム Botchan Train Museum
松山市駅のすぐ近くにある。 伊予鉄道1号機関車の原寸大レプリカが展示されている。 カフェも併設されており、 坊っちゃん列車の歴史に触れながら松山の街をのんびり楽しめます。



It sounds like the Botchan Train and the Botchan Train Museum are interesting attractions to visit in Matsuyama.

Just to clarify, the Botchan Train is a restored steam locomotive that ran through Matsuyama city for 67 years, and is named after the novel "Botchan" by Natsume Soseki. The Botchan Train Museum, located near Matsuyama Station, features a full-scale replica of the first locomotive used by the Iyotetsu Railway, as well as a café where visitors can learn about the history of the Botchan Train and enjoy the atmosphere of Matsuyama city.

The Botchan Train runs from Dogo Onsen Station to Matsuyama City Station via the Iyotetsu Railway line, and the distance is about 3.5 kilometers. It also runs from Dogo Onsen Station to Furumachi Station, which is about 4.9 kilometers away.



松山市駅 JR松山駅~道後温泉駅間
TEL 089-948-3323 (伊予鉄道鉄道部)
松山市湊町4-4-1 伊予鉄グループ本社ビル1F
TEL 089-948-3290
開 7:00~21:00
無休 無料

Matsumoto City Station, between JR Matsuyama Station and Dogo Onsen Station
TEL 089-948-3323 (Iyotetsu Railway Department)
Operates 3 round trips between Enman-Dojo Onsen Station and Matsuyama City Station, and 1 round trip between Dogo Onsen and Furumachi (via JR Matsuyama Station) (for detailed schedule, please refer to the website)
Fee: 1,300 yen
◇Botchan Train Museum
1F Iyotetsu Group Headquarters Building, 4-4-1 Minato-cho, Matsuyama City
TEL 089-948-3290
Open 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Open every day, admission is free
Located just a short walk from Iyotetsu Matsuyama City Station