サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 福岡城跡 | Fukuoka Castle Ruins

別名 「舞鶴城」とも呼ばれる、 福岡藩・黒田氏の居城

福岡城跡 | Fukuoka Castle Ruins

福岡城跡 |  Fukuoka Castle Ruins 1
  • 福岡城跡 |  Fukuoka Castle Ruins 1
  • 福岡城跡 |  Fukuoka Castle Ruins 2

黒田孝高(官兵衛) ・ 長政父子が慶長6(1601)年から7年をかけて築城。 大中小の天守台と47の櫓があったとされ、城の規模としては九州最大級。福岡城むかし探訪館では城の再現模型が見られるほか、平安時代の外交施設の史跡、鴻臚館跡の展示館もある。


Kuroda Takanaka (Kanbei) and his son Nagamasa took 7 years to build Fukuoka Castle, starting in 1601 during the Keicho era. It is said to have had large, medium, and small towers as well as 47 turrets, making it one of the largest castles in Kyushu. At the Fukuoka Castle History Museum, there is a replica model of the castle, as well as an exhibition hall for the historic diplomatic facility of the Heian period, the Kangaroo-kan ruins.

What is the Tamon yagura?
The Tamon yagura, a national designated important cultural property located in the south bailey (Ninomaru Minami Kakuru) of Fukuoka Castle, is the only turret that has remained in its current location since the Edo period. It consists of a two-story corner turret and a flat turret that spans 54 meters. Built on top of high-stacked stone walls with a "ishi-otoshi" and "tepposama" for defense, it is believed to have served as a turret for defense in case of emergency.

810 福岡市


TEL 092-711-4784
URL fukuokajyo.com
TEL 092-732-4801
休 12/29~1/3
TEL 092-721-0282
開 9:00~17:00 (最終入場16:30)
休 12/29~1/3 無料

◆Fukuoka Castle Ruins
1 Jonai, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City
TEL 092-711-4784
Admission is free
10-minute walk from Subway Ohori Park Station
URL fukuokajyo.com

◆Fukuoka Castle History Exploration Hall
TEL 092-732-4801
Closed from 12/29 to 1/3
Admission is free

◆Exhibition Hall at the Site of Hongan-ji Palace
TEL 092-721-0282
Open 9:00~17:00 (last entry at 16:30)
Closed from 12/29 to 1/3
Admission is free.