サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine


宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine

宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine 1
  • 宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine 1
  • 宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine 2
  • 宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine 3
  • 宮地嶽神社 | Miyajidake Shrine 4

福岡県の東部に位置する福津市は、人気観光スポットです。その一番の見どころは宮地嶽神社で、毎年200万人以上の参拝者が訪れます。創建は約1700年前で、主祭神に神功皇后を祀る。境内には約300年前に出土した日本最大級の巨石古墳、 宮地嶽古墳があり、 黄金をあしらった出土品が多く見つかった。 直径2.6m、 長さ11m、 重さ3トンの大注連縄は日本一の大きさ。 直径2.2mの日本一の太鼓の音色は数km先まで届くという。 450kgある銅製の大鈴も日本一。

神社と参道が一直線となった先に夕陽が沈み、 光の道のように見える景色を見に多くの人が訪れる。この光景が見られるのは年に2回。 2月20日と10月20日の前後2週間あたりで、 気候条件が揃った時のみ、幻想的な光景を楽しめる。

Fukutsu City, located in the eastern part of Fukuoka Prefecture, is a popular tourist destination. Its main attraction is the Miyajidake Shrine, which receives over two million visitors every year. The shrine was established about 1,700 years ago and enshrines Empress Jingu as its main deity. In the shrine precincts, there is the Miyajidake Kofun, Japan's largest ancient burial mound, which was excavated about 300 years ago. Many excavated items decorated with gold have been found. The giant shimenawa, which has a diameter of 2.6 meters, a length of 11 meters, and a weight of 3 tons, is the largest in Japan. The sound of Japan's largest drum, with a diameter of 2.2 meters, can reach several kilometers away. The 450 kg copper bell is also the largest in Japan.

The Road of Light leading to the Miyajidake Shrine and its approach
Many people visit to see the view where the sun sets in the distance beyond the straight line that the shrine and its approach create, resembling a road of light. This scenery can only be seen twice a year, for about two weeks before and after February 20 and October 20, when the weather conditions are suitable to enjoy the fantastic view.



TEL 0940-52-0016
URL www.miyajidake.or.jp

Miyajidake Shrine
7-1 Miyajimotomachi, Fukutsu City
TEL 0940-52-0016
Admission is free
Get off at Miyajidake Shrine-mae bus stop from JR Fukuma Station, and it is a short walk from there.
URL www.miyajidake.or.jp