サービス > 町の案内 > 町の案内・現地ツアー > 福岡タワー | Fukuoka Tower


福岡タワー | Fukuoka Tower

福岡タワー | Fukuoka Tower 1
  • 福岡タワー | Fukuoka Tower 1

福岡タワーは、平成元 (1989)年に開催されたアジア太平洋博覧会のモニュメントとして建設されたランドマーク。 高さ234mを誇り、 最上階の展望室からは福岡市街を一望できる。2019年に開業30周年を記念してリニューアル。 空を飛んでいるような気分が味わえる双眼鏡など、 仮想現実(VR) や拡張現実(AR) を駆使し、 エンターテインメント性もアップした。

Fukuoka Tower is a landmark monument built for the Asia-Pacific Expo held in 1989. It boasts a height of 234 meters, and visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Fukuoka city from the observation deck on the top floor. To commemorate its 30th anniversary in 2019, the tower underwent renovation that increased its entertainment value with features like binoculars that provide a sensation of flying through the air, and the incorporation of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology.



TEL 092-823-0234
開 9:30~22:00 (最終入場21:30)
料 800円
URL www.fukuokatower.co.jp

Fukuoka Tower is located at 2-3-26 Momochi, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka City. Visitors can contact the tower by phone at 092-823-0234. It is open from 9:30am to 10:00pm, with the last admission at 9:30pm. It is closed on the last Monday and Tuesday of June. Admission is 800 yen per person. To get there from JR Hakata Station, visitors can take a bus to Fukuoka Tower Minami-guchi stop and walk for two minutes. More information can be found on their website at www.fukuokatower.co.jp.