いやのかずらばし 祖谷のかずら橋

- カテゴリ
- 町の案内町の案内・現地ツアー
- エリア
- 徳島県

Vine Bridge in the Iya Valley
重さ約6トンのシラクチカズラを編み連ねて造られる、 長さ45m・幅2m・水面上14mの吊橋。踏み板と踏み板のすき間からは流れる川面や川岸がはっきりと見える上に足を踏み出すたびにゆらゆらと揺れ、なかなかのスリルだ。かつては深山渓谷地帯で唯一の交通施設であり、この地域の住民 橋の14m下には祖谷川が流れるにとってなくてはならない存在だったそうだ。 昭和29(1954)年に国指定重要有形民俗文化財に指定されており、3年毎に架替えが行われる。毎日19:00~21:30にライトアップされ、 闇夜のなかに照らされたかずら橋は幻想的 (この時間帯は渡橋不可)。
A suspension bridge that is 45 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 14 meters above the water surface, made by weaving together the Shirakuchikazura plant which weighs about 6 tons. As you walk across the bridge, you can clearly see the flowing river surface and riverbank through the gaps between the footboards, and feel the thrill of the swaying motion. It used to be the only transportation facility in the deep mountain valley area and was an indispensable presence for the residents of this region, as the Iya River flows 14 meters below the bridge.
It was designated as a National Important Tangible Folk Cultural Property in 1954, and the bridge is reconstructed every three years. The bridge is illuminated every day from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, and the Kazura bridge, shining in the darkness, is fantastic during this time (however, crossing the bridge is not allowed during the illumination).
重さ約6トンのシラクチカズラを編み連ねて造られる、 長さ45m・幅2m・水面上14mの吊橋。踏み板と踏み板のすき間からは流れる川面や川岸がはっきりと見える上に足を踏み出すたびにゆらゆらと揺れ、なかなかのスリルだ。かつては深山渓谷地帯で唯一の交通施設であり、この地域の住民 橋の14m下には祖谷川が流れるにとってなくてはならない存在だったそうだ。 昭和29(1954)年に国指定重要有形民俗文化財に指定されており、3年毎に架替えが行われる。毎日19:00~21:30にライトアップされ、 闇夜のなかに照らされたかずら橋は幻想的 (この時間帯は渡橋不可)。
A suspension bridge that is 45 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 14 meters above the water surface, made by weaving together the Shirakuchikazura plant which weighs about 6 tons. As you walk across the bridge, you can clearly see the flowing river surface and riverbank through the gaps between the footboards, and feel the thrill of the swaying motion. It used to be the only transportation facility in the deep mountain valley area and was an indispensable presence for the residents of this region, as the Iya River flows 14 meters below the bridge.
It was designated as a National Important Tangible Folk Cultural Property in 1954, and the bridge is reconstructed every three years. The bridge is illuminated every day from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, and the Kazura bridge, shining in the darkness, is fantastic during this time (however, crossing the bridge is not allowed during the illumination).
三好市西祖谷山村善徳 162-2
TEL 0883-76-0877 (三好市観光案内所)
休 無休 料 550円
URL miyoshi-tourism.jp/spot/
Iya no Kazurabashi (Kazura Bridge in Iya)
Address: 162-2 Zentoku, Nishiiyayamamura, Miyoshi City
Telephone: 0883-76-0877 (Miyoshi City Tourist Information Center)
Hours of operation: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (subject to seasonal changes)
Open all year round
Admission fee: 550 yen
Access: Take a bus from Oboke Station on the JR Dosan Line and get off at Kazurabashi. It is a 2-minute walk from there.
URL: miyoshi-tourism.jp/spot/
三好市西祖谷山村善徳 162-2
TEL 0883-76-0877 (三好市観光案内所)
休 無休 料 550円
URL miyoshi-tourism.jp/spot/
Iya no Kazurabashi (Kazura Bridge in Iya)
Address: 162-2 Zentoku, Nishiiyayamamura, Miyoshi City
Telephone: 0883-76-0877 (Miyoshi City Tourist Information Center)
Hours of operation: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (subject to seasonal changes)
Open all year round
Admission fee: 550 yen
Access: Take a bus from Oboke Station on the JR Dosan Line and get off at Kazurabashi. It is a 2-minute walk from there.
URL: miyoshi-tourism.jp/spot/