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大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ

大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 1
  • 大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 1
  • 大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 2
  • 大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 3
  • 大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 4
  • 大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 5
  • 大歩危・小歩危 おおぼけ・こぼけ 6

およそ2億年の時を経て、四国山地を横切る吉野川の激流によって形成された約8kmにわたる渓谷。名前の由来は、断崖を意味する古語 「ほき(ほけ)」から付けられたという説と、「大股で歩くと危ないから大歩危」、 「小股で歩いても危ないから小歩危」 という説がある。 大歩危峡は国指定の天然記念物 国指定名勝に指定されている。ラフティングやSUPなど、リバースポーツを楽しむ人も多い。 吉野川の支流では、 沢登りや滝すべりなどスリル満点の体験ができるシャワークライミングも盛ん。 奇石や巨岩が目前に迫る渓谷美を気軽に楽しめる観光遊覧船も運航。平家一族の哀話を秘める、秘境“祖谷”にあるかずら橋。シラクチカズラ(重さ約6トン)で作られたもので、長さ45m・幅2m・水面上14m。 昔は深山渓谷地帯の唯一の交通施設であった。3年毎に架替えが行われる。

After about 200 million years, a canyon spanning approximately 8 kilometers was formed by the raging currents of the Yoshino River cutting through the Shikoku Mountains. The name has two possible origins: one theory is that it comes from the ancient word for cliffs, "hoki" or "hoke," while another theory suggests that it comes from the phrases "Oboke" and "Koboke," which mean "big step dangerous" and "small step dangerous," respectively, warning travelers of the treacherous terrain. Oboke Gorge is designated as a national natural monument and a national scenic spot. Many people enjoy river sports such as rafting and stand-up paddleboarding (SUP). In the tributaries of the Yoshino River, shower climbing, waterfall sliding, and other thrilling experiences are popular. Visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the gorge, with its strange rocks and massive boulders, on a leisurely sightseeing boat. The Kazura Bridge in the remote "Iya" area, which conceals the tragic story of the Heike clan, is made of Shirakuchi Kazura and weighs approximately 6 tons. The bridge is 45 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 14 meters above the water surface. It used to be the only transportation facility in the deep mountain valleys. It is rebuilt every three years.

779 三好市


三好市山城町重実~ 上名
TEL 0883-70-5804(三好市観光協会)
URL miyoshi-tourism.jp

Oboke and Koboke are the names of two steep-sided gorges formed over two hundred million years ago by the turbulent flow of the Yoshino River, which flows through the Shikoku Mountains for about 8 km. The name is said to come from the old word "hoke" which means a cliff, or from the phrases "Oboke" (meaning "big dangerous steps") and "Koboke" (meaning "small dangerous steps"), which describe the steep terrain of the area. Oboke Gorge has been designated a national natural monument and a national scenic spot. Many people enjoy river sports such as rafting and stand-up paddleboarding. Shower climbing, a thrilling experience that includes creek climbing and waterfall sliding, is also popular in the tributaries of the Yoshino River. There are also tourist boats that offer an easy way to enjoy the beautiful valley with its strange rocks and huge boulders up close. The Kazura Bridge is located in the hidden valley of Iya, which is shrouded in the sad history of the Heike clan. The bridge, which is made of Shirakuchi kazura (a kind of vine) weighing about 6 tons, is 45 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 14 meters above the water surface. It used to be the only means of transportation in the remote mountain valley, and it is replaced every three years. The admission to Oboke and Koboke is free, and it is located in the area of Shigemi, Yamashiro-cho, Miyoshi City, to Kamina. For more information, contact the Miyoshi Tourism Association at 0883-70-5804, or visit their website at miyoshi-tourism.jp.