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壮大な岩や崖、渓谷が作り出すザイオン国立公園(Zion National Park)は、ユタ州にある五つの国立公園の中で最大規模の国立公園。古代ヘブライ語で「聖なる丘(山)」という意味を持つ、神々しい佇まいのザイオン国立公園は、数百万年もの年月をかけて侵食された特殊な巨岩群と渓谷が特徴です。ザイオン国立公園の壮大な自然が生み出した渓谷群はまるで別世界の風景で、19世紀に移住してきた人々により、「エンジェルス・ランディング」、「スリー・パトリアーク」、「ウェストテンプル」、「グレート・ホワイト・スローン」などと名づけられました。毎年世界中から大勢の観光客が訪れる公園内には、たくさんのトレイルがあり、ハイキングをすることでこの公園の素晴らしさをより実感することができます。トレイルは、簡単な初心者向けから上級者向けのものまでさまざまなコースがありますので、体力に合わせて自分に合ったコースを選ぶと良いでしょう。また、マウンテンゴートやビックホーンシープ、コヨーテなどの野生動物も多く生息しており、人懐こいアメリカン・ピカ(ナキウサギ)は、トレイルのすぐ近くまで近寄って来ますので、間近で見ることもできます。
Artists and photographers have been drawn to Zion for the past 100 years in an effort to capture its infinite beauty and colors. The incredible landscape of Zion is a magnificent display of beauty that is a perpetual source of inspiration and renewal for us all. Zion is a spiritual experience that will forever move you.
One hundred million years ago the Virgin River started cutting its way through the sandstone of southwestern Utah. Now, if you listen closely, you can hear “You’re welcome” softly echoing through the canyons of Zion.
Artists and photographers have been drawn to Zion for decades in an effort to capture its infinite variety of moods.
Includes free hotel pick-up, lunch, and unlimited snacks
Departs at 7 a.m.
Returns at 6:30 p.m.
Operates Tuesdays and Thursdays
Artists and photographers have been drawn to Zion for the past 100 years in an effort to capture its infinite beauty and colors. The incredible landscape of Zion is a magnificent display of beauty that is a perpetual source of inspiration and renewal for us all. Zion is a spiritual experience that will forever move you.
One hundred million years ago the Virgin River started cutting its way through the sandstone of southwestern Utah. Now, if you listen closely, you can hear “You’re welcome” softly echoing through the canyons of Zion.
Artists and photographers have been drawn to Zion for decades in an effort to capture its infinite variety of moods.
Includes free hotel pick-up, lunch, and unlimited snacks
Departs at 7 a.m.
Returns at 6:30 p.m.
Operates Tuesdays and Thursdays
Zion National Park is a nature preserve distinguished by Zion Canyon’s stunning rock formations, it’s multitude of colors and steep red cliffs. Zion Canyon’s Scenic Drive cuts through its main section, leading to forest trails along the Virgin River. The river flows to the Emerald Pools, which have waterfalls as well as a wonderful hanging garden.
Zion National Park is like the set of a movie that’s so grand you know it must be a painted backdrop, but you don’t care because it’s delicious to look at; the kind of flick where the art director was given carte blanche and didn’t worry about believability.
Zion National Park is like the set of a movie that’s so grand you know it must be a painted backdrop, but you don’t care because it’s delicious to look at; the kind of flick where the art director was given carte blanche and didn’t worry about believability.
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